First of It’s Kind Legislation: Melbourne’s 2014 “Graffiti Art Management Plan”

Royal Parade underpass, Melbourne.

In 2014 the City of Melbourne, Australia released its “Graffiti Management Plan”—described by many as first-of-its-kind legislation because it distinguished between “unwanted graffiti applied without permission” and “street art…with the blessing of property owners.”

Here are the basics:

  • The Plan specifically defines tags and “throw-ups” as a types of street art.
  • It doesn’t discuss preservation: “Street art is ephemeral. Protection of street art is not practical.”
  • And specifically states that the city will only censor work that could “offend a reasonable person.”
  • It zones “heavily pedestrianized areas” as places where street art will be removed.
  • But it protects the street art on Union Lane, Rutledge Lane, and Hosier Lane, as designated legal street art walls.
  • It also continually funds new murals in strategically chosen areas.


Melbourne also offers a graffiti education program in all its primary and secondary schools, and facilitates a Street Art Mentoring program that teaches kids 13-25 about “the benefits of and opportunities for legal artwork.” Fifteen secondary and nine primary schools have participated in the program since it began in 2008.


About the author


Lindsey Mancini is an arts accessibility activist and digital strategist studying the essential connectedness—or disconnectedness—between art and community.

She currently works in communications at the Yale School of Art, and teaches as an adjunct professor of contemporary art at Eastern Connecticut State University. In 2017 she earned an MS with distinction in the history of art & design from Pratt Institute, where she wrote her 80-page thesis on street art theory. Lindsey is currently pursuing a PhD in Visual Arts, Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Art Theory from the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts.

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About the Author


Lindsey Mancini is an arts accessibility activist and digital strategist studying the essential connectedness—or disconnectedness—between art and community.

She currently works in communications at the Yale School of Art, and teaches as an adjunct professor of contemporary art at Eastern Connecticut State University. In 2017 she earned an MS with distinction in the history of art & design from Pratt Institute, where she wrote her 80-page thesis on street art theory. Lindsey is currently pursuing a PhD in Visual Arts, Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Art Theory from the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts.