ArtAround Ambassadors

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Ambassadors actively compete to grow the ArtAround database as quickly as possible, unlocking new features with each milestone passed. They have an active stake in the development of ArtAround’s applications and direct line of communication with the ArtAround team.

To become an Ambassador, all you have to do is donate 10 photos of art in public spaces to the ArtAround map.

Step 1: Sign up here to register as an Ambassador and receive our welcome kit, containing tips and tricks to get started uploading your photos to the ArtAround map.

Step 2: Upload 10 artworks with your Ambassador handle in the photo attribution field (“Photo by:” on our website, “Attribution” on the iPhone app).

Step 3: Once you upload 10 artworks, you’ll be a full-fledged Ambassador and we’ll add you to the scoreboard and map on this page. Keep uploading your photos and unlock additional features with every milestone you pass.

Step 4: Invite your friends! If you know anyone who might be interested in joining our community (especially if they live far away), send them the link to our signup page and help us build a community of Ambassadors around the world.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text custom_title=”Ambassador Scoreboard”] Lindsey / ArtAround 603
Brooklyn & San Francisco    


Nicole Aptekar 48
San Francisco Bay Area    


Anna Bloom 15
San Francisco Bay Area[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row”][vc_column][td_block_image_box image_title_item0=”10 ARTWORKS — Get on the board” image_title_item1=”50 ARTWORKS — GET YOUR Own Tag” image_item0=”1279″ open_in_new_window_item0=”yes” image_item1=”1236″ header_text_color=”#0a0a0a” style=”style-2″ alignment=”top” display=”” image_item2=”999″ image_title_item2=”100 PHOTOS — Unlock bulk uploads” custom_title=”MILESTONES” custom_url_item0=”″ custom_url_item1=”″ custom_url_item2=”″][vc_column_text custom_title=”” block_template_id=””]

We’re at work on more Ambassador milestones as the community grows. If you have an idea for a new milestone, or just want to collaborate, email us.


About the Author


Lindsey Mancini is an arts accessibility activist and digital strategist studying the essential connectedness—or disconnectedness—between art and community.

She currently works in communications at the Yale School of Art, and teaches as an adjunct professor of contemporary art at Eastern Connecticut State University. In 2017 she earned an MS with distinction in the history of art & design from Pratt Institute, where she wrote her 80-page thesis on street art theory. Lindsey is currently pursuing a PhD in Visual Arts, Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Art Theory from the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts.